At Béton Provincial, we use Tercim cements and blended hydraulic cements to create our concretes. Tercim uses a process unique in North America: a high-efficiency mixer prepares GUb-SF binary binders, GUb-SF/F ternary binders, along with custom hydraulic binders.
Since 2004, over 10 million cubic metres of concrete have been produced with Tercim cements in Quebec and in the Maritime provinces. Tercim’s cements meet or exceed the Canadian and American industry standards, including ASTM, CSA and BNQ standards. These high-quality cements are adapted for suitability in our northern climate. They are designed for all types of work: residential, commercial, industrial, mining and energy-related.
All of our cements are available in “big bag” formats, from 1,000 to 1,500 kg.
Tercim is a 100% Quebec-owned company, and our Tercim cements respect all of the CSA standard requirements.
GU – general usage cement
GU-LA – low-alkali cement
GUb-SF – silica fume cement
GUb-SF/F – ternary cement with fly ash
Fly ash – class F
GUb-F (F-x) – low-alkali cement mix with fly ash (dosage of 5 to 35%)
Tercim also supplies low-alkali cements GU-LA, which use local aggregates. These cements prevent the alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR), caused by certain types of aggregates during concrete production. They therefore meet the requirements as prescribed by the ministère des Transports, de la Mobilité durable et de l’Électrification des transports. The use of cement in Tercim binary and ternary binders is an excellent additional step in preventing the AAR.
Tercim is one of the only low-alkali cement suppliers in Quebec.
GU/La Tercim cement: Extend the life of your investment!
Tercim also manufactures custom binders to meet precise needs in concrete performance and durability. No matter your needs, whether generic or specific, our customizable cement can provide different levels of performance for your project.
NBSL cement is a ternary binder that was custom-designed by Béton Provincial for the future Champlain Bridge construction project in Montreal. Named for the “New Bridge Saint-Lawrence,” it is made up of a mix of Portland cement, silica fume and fly ash. Béton Provincial has conducted several tests to develop a cement to meet the client’s very specific needs and criteria. This research paid off, because NBSL was used in the Construction project CANSTOR #10 and #11 at Gentilly-2.
Tercim installations are ISO 9001 certified.